Redistricting Court Decision

April 11, 2024
Redistricting Plaintiffs Win Federal Lawsuit
Attention Coconut Grove residents,
Yesterday, Judge K. Michael Moore delivered a significant ruling on the Miami redistricting case, which has been ongoing since late 2022. See decision here.
In a decisive move, he sided with the plaintiffs, marking a pivotal moment in our city's electoral landscape. Here's a detailed update on what this means for our community:
  • All five districts in both the 2022 and 2023 Plans were found to be unconstitutionally racially gerrymandered in violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment;
  • The City of Miami cannot have any elections under the unconstitutional districts;
  • The Court will adjudicate what happens next. The Court will set a new district map and may required special elections. How and when is not yet decided.
Looking ahead, the implications of this decision are profound. It raises crucial questions about the future of our electoral system, including discussions on redrawing the voting map and setting the stage for expanding the City Commission. These deliberations will shape the future of our community and determine how residents are represented in our local government.
For more detailed information on this ruling and the broader context of the Miami redistricting case, please refer to yesterday's Miami Herald